fredag 14. september 2012

#Puebla, #Mexico - The city that has everything! :)

I went to Puebla this week to check out the city that everyone speaks about! And Im on love! such a cool, cute, happening place! They have pyramids, churches, pyramids WITH churches ontop of them, fountains, a plaza full of containers with bars inside them, grand clubs and much much more. So I have to go back, because I wasnt able to see half of it this time.
Here is some of my pics Enjoy!

The end of a fun night with amazing people

Me being a bit tired the morning after :P

cruising Puebla in style

On the rooftop of Puebla

The coolest fountain I have ever seen. they were blasting the music and people were dancing and jumping in the water :)

I had to join the fun :) This is near the fortress in Puebla

This beautiful church has the balmed body of a former priest inside

The balmed body of a priest. People come to him to pray for their loved ones

The cathedral of Puebla in the centre of town

A cute little street filled with genuine mexican items and traditional dresses ;)

After a day of sightseeing, nothing feels better than a ice-cold mischelada (beer of your choice, lime, salt, and hot sauces or chile slices.) Yummy!!! :D :D

 got to go to a traditional mexican birthday with these beautiful people. :)

The birffday girl!

Out clubbing with Maria drinking blue champagne :)

So latinas are known for their excellent dancemoves. So me being a tight-up norwegian thought id teach her the robotdance instead ;) She nailed it!

So for the mexican slang of the week:

"Esta cabron de hacerlo" - This is hard to do! (remember from last week that cabron is also a cool/fearless dude. Understand it those who can:)

"No este chingando": Dont bother me!! :P

"Ahuevo!": I did! :)

Crazy language.... :P

I had an amazing time, but time went by so fast! Ill keep u updated on my next trip :)
Everyone should definitely go here once in their life!
Ta luego!

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